Monday, April 13, 2015

20 days in: Lessons and Changes

I’m 20 days into Project 333.
Things that have really worked for me:

Packing for trips, and for going between my apartment and my fiancé’s apartment.
                It’s so easy! I grab 2 outfits, making sure they’re in the same color story (I have 2 color stories in my capsule), and then if I need more, I simply wash the items and mix and match them. Since I tend to favor a layered look, most outfits have 2-3 pieces anyway, making this a great strategy for easy packing.

Selecting items for special events.
                I’ve gone to hipster craft fairs, a 4 day vacation in Western NY that included a sit down dinner, attended a family dinner to mark a special occasion, and gone to networking events. Not once have I felt wrongly dressed, under-or-over dressed, or out of place.

Readjusting my shopping.
                I have purchased two items during the project: a cardigan and a tee shirt. It’s been very hard to resist the siren call of browsing the thrift stores and sale racks, but I feel so much better about the two purchases I made. They are genuine wardrobe needs (replacing an item that didn't work, or filling a real hole in the capsule). I am also very, very picky about what I buy or think about buying now. A cute sweater in a consignment store that doesn't fit my capsule, even if it’s Anthropologie? Sorry, no.

Making extra money selling stuff on eBay.
                Being ruthless about my wardrobe (i.e., I really won’t be wearing heels much anymore, my lifestyle is so much more active than I anticipated at this point) has allowed me to put some really desirable items on eBay and make 150$ in about 2 weeks.

Things I’m still working on:

Sorting out the transitional seasonal clothing.
                Denver, CO has very unpredictable spring and fall weather—one week can go from 70’s to 30’s and snowing within 4 days. Some of the items I thought I would be wearing (long sleeved tees) I’m just not using because it’s too warm. However, the sleeveless shells I included make me feel too exposed this early in the season. I had to adjust and get a cardigan to wear over shells, and I’m looking at rotating in some summer clothes and rotating out some winter/fall ones.

Wardrobe-ing the wardrobe.
                For me, skirts without tights need another layer underneath- a split slip, Jockey Skimmies or the like. Since it’s spring, I’m going back and forth with wearing tights and no tights, meaning I keep forgetting to pack skimmies when I change apartments, making the skirts essentially unwearable.
Another challenge in this department has been footwear. Early on, I realized my moto boots were not getting worn, and subbed them out, and put a black “workhorse” tunic in instead. But I’m wondering if only 4 pairs of shoes is getting the job done.  My leopard print “Vans” are comfortable and fashionable, but they don’t go with my printed leggings or with tights and a skirt—they just look odd. My grey boots are comfortable, but they’re a hidden wedge and wearing them day after day is really hard on my feet (same with my black heels). I have slip on sandals, but then my toes need to be presentable (IMHO). So…shoes are still a challenge at this point.

Keeping the excitement level up.
                The first few days of the Project were terrific. It’s still very cool, but my over the top enthusiasm has waned a bit. I think it might be due to traveling—half my wardrobe is inaccessible to me and half of that half is in the laundry, meaning one of the most fun things (playing with clothes to make outfits) is not an option very often. I also need to replace the fun and entertainment value of shopping with something else—I really love rifling through a sales rack and finding bargains. What can I do instead?

Accepting the quality level of the items I have right now.

                Most of my clothing is thrifted or from, at best, department stores. The quality level ranges from fast fashion to high end but not designer, with most of it being Target-quality stuff. Not terrible, but tends to last only a season or two before looking shabby and worn. I take pretty good care of my stuff, but I see some of my thinner shirts have un-repairable “moth holes” from the thin material simply giving way, and some other items just not looking super fresh. How will I replace those, on a next to nothing budget? Right now my plan is to take my eBay money and invest in 1-2 high quality items from eBay, like Eileen Fisher or similar lines. Then I’ll slowly replace my wardrobe basics with high quality look a-likes. 

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