Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Jessica's Post: 01!

For me, this project is less about fashion, which I can't say is exactly an interest of mine, and more about getting rid of things, curbing my hoarding tendencies, making room for my boyfriend to move into my apartment, and reducing the amount of brain space that is dedicated to what I wear every day.
In my dreams I would either dress like Rachel Maddow or else wear a slim sweater, slacks that magically fit right and weren't too long and also can go in the wash (which may exist somewhere in the known universe but see lack of fashion interest, which translates to not wanting to spend an entire Saturday trying on pants), and comfortable flats, every single day. Sadly I don't have the balls to butch it up, or really the figure either. But I like that this project is giving me permission to pretty much wear the same thing all the time and not think about it. Liberation will be mine. Already I am daydreaming about what I will do with all the mental energy that is no longer wasted on trying to please people with my appearance.
Day One:
Grey short-sleeved sweater with a black print, black slacks, black flats. Aaaahh bliss.
Day Two:
Printed blouse with a fancy little tie around the neck, different black slacks, and my favorite "pimp shoes," which are bright purple Cole Haan oxfords with pink soles and laces. (basically I guess my dream is to dress either like a fashionably masculine woman or how one might expect a gay guy to look, something with a little room for appreciating nice things without trying to get attention for my body)
Day Three:
This is actually an example of me using the limited wardrobe to make combinations I wouldn't have before. Tight black short-sleeved sweater, long stretchy fitted black skirt, skinny turquoise belt and turquoise (also Cole Haan) flats that I added to my 33 because they can both be paired with the two "date night" dresses.
This Day Three outfit looks really good on me but the nondescript Day One outfit made me so much happier, partly because there was nothing to adjust and straighten and poke at me all day but also because -- I don't need people looking at my butt. I want to just *be.* The more I think about it, the more I want to wear the blandest thing possible six days per week and keep a couple of simple low-cut black dresses on hand for date nights or other occasions, a nice suit or two for meetings, and be done with it.
My aesthetic already involves:
No manicures or pedicures or threading or waxing of any kind
Not coloring my hair, hello greys, you can live
Very light makeup 9 days out of 10, mostly just a tinted moisturizer and a little mascara and lip color
Spending the time I do allocate to taking care of myself on working out and cooking healthy meals, and occasionally testing new hair and skin care products.

My obligatory "no makeup selfie". 

It's my nightmare to be staring down 40 all made up and dyed and starched looking like I'm trying to be 25 and desperate to be liked. I'm 35, the clock is only running one way, this is my face and my figure. On to other things.

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