Monday, June 15, 2015

Three months in

Well, it's been almost 3 months now. Project 333 started in March, end of, and it's been April, May, and now almost through June (couple more weeks to go). 

I've *loved* it. Few bumps along the way, like finding out I had no spring clothing whatsoever, but here's the highlights: 

  • Sold about 300$ of unneeded clothing on eBay and still going (!) 
  • Was able to invest in skincare that *dramatically* improved my skin 
  • Was able to indulge in a super amazing new line of fragrances that I'm now moderately obsessed with (more later)
  • Was able to upgrade some "foundations" like bathing suits, bras, nice footies from Nike, etc. 
  • Was able to have money to outfit the bedroom with new bedlinens 
  • Days that I was tired or not feeling well, it did NOT show in my outfit, as it sometimes can when one just grabs "whatever" from the closet on "off" days
  • Refined my style significantly--and am still doing so. #fancyvanslife #didn'tchooseit_itchoseme!
  • Feeling like I was making a positive change in a deliberate way to be closer to the person I wanted to be in life 

I have purchased some clothes while on Project 333. Here's a list: 
  1. Zodiac Vans
  2. Tennis ball green lace Vans
  3. Black leather leggings
  4. White tunic shirt
  5. tennis ball green tank + v neck tee
  6. Minty blue sweater
  7. Minty blue sheer layering long sleeved tee
  8. LBD
  9. White cigarette pants
  10. Black cigarette pants
  11. Navy blue open weave pullover with hood
  12. White knit jacket
  13. Black lace jacket
  14. Citron fancy pants
  15. Citron knit button front shirt
  16. Black knit button front shirt
  17. Eileen Fisher black maxi dress (this was an INSANE find at $7.99 at the Goodwill) 
  18. Gap chambray shirt dress (another find for $2.25 at the goodwill) 
  19. 3 copies of the same shirt (I count it as one) with a badminton birdie print.from Target. So cute.
  20. Geometric tank hi low shirt with spring colors 
  21. Black stretch pencil skirt (for interviews)
  22. Black sweater with chiffon trim from Banana
I think that's it. So about 7 items a month or so. Not bad. Basically had to buy an entire spring wardrobe from the ground up. Also was selling clothes left and right so don't feel super bad about this. I rapidly learned to ignore all the "noise" in a store and find exactly what I was looking for and be ruthless.